
The Right Way To Brush Your Teeth

You may think you have great oral health right until you’re confronted with the business end of the dentist’s drill. Though plenty of Americans brush their teeth twice a day, good oral hygiene combines regularity with technique. Here are five tips to make sure your dental care routines are effective as well as regular.

Choose the Right Brush

Whether you prefer a manual or electric toothbrush, make sure it has a small head and soft bristles. Soft bristles loosen plaque effectively and are gentler on your teeth too, whereas brushes with stiff bristles might damage your tooth structure.  Make sure your toothbrush can be angled to reach back to your molars. Also, look for the American Dental Association seal of approval on your new brush.

Don’t Scrub

You’re not attacking the grout in your bathroom tile or scrubbing the floor. Plaque is soft and can be removed with a few gentle strokes.

Brush to Your Favorite Song

Don’t rush through your brushing, no matter how much of a hurry you’re in. Ideally, you should spend at least 2 minutes each time you brush. That’s the average length of most pop songs on the top forty. Play a song you like to make sure you spend the time you need on your teeth.

Switch out Your Toothbrush Once Every Four Months

As it turns out, frayed bristles don’t clean as effectively. Keep your toothbrush dry when not in use. This makes it less likely to become a home for mold and bacteria.

Up and Down, Not Back and Forth

Place your brush at the gum line and brush in up and down, circular motions. Don’t ignore the molars and the teeth along the sides of your tongue too. Spend time on each tooth, not just the ones visible when you smile.

Wait for Up to Twenty Minutes After Your Meal

It might be tempting to brush your teeth right after your meal. However, your mouth hasn’t had time to break down the acid from your food and adding abrasion into the mix when you brush can erode the enamel. If you must brush right after eating, rinse your mouth out with water to remove some of that acid.

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